Sunday, October 19, 2008
Welcome to my Blog!
Hey, my name is Bekah and welcome to my blog. I have created this blog with the hope of learning more about each of the presidential candidates in the upcoming election. As an undecided voter, I want to make a well informed decision about which candidate is best suited to run our country and raise some questions that we can all explore together. Do you have any information that could benefit myself and others in the search for answers about each candidate? Please comment and share specific information regarding their plans for the economy. Do you think economy should be an issue in this election? How do you feel about each candidates plans for economy?
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OK, so you asked, "Do you have any information that could benefit myself and others"--yes, absolutely--here goes--Obama is the better candidate--vote for him. Or no, I mean McCane--oh wait, maybe it's that liberatarian dude--what's his name--oh, who cares--just vote for him b/c I said so.... Come on.... do you really want to be influenced by my bias or do you want to actually think/argue for yourself. If you're undecided--your basically saying that you're just waiting around ready to be influenced by someone else---so, I know who I like--just tell me what you want to hear and I'll write it from my perspective so you can vote for my guy too......
By saying that I am undecided, I'm not at all saying that I'm waiting around to be influenced by someone else. By remaining undecided at this time, it leaves me open to listening (not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with) people's views and information. If I had already picked a side then I wouldn't be willing to listen to the information provided by people that is relating to the opposing candidate. My hope is not that you give me information only about your choice candidate from your perspective, but that you can be open to sharing info about both sides and weighing in on the pros and cons of each, specifically relating to the economy. Are there any questions that you may have yourself that we can consider together? It's not so much about influencing one side or the other, but rather taking a step back and really looking at the information of both without letting personal bias get in the way
Personally I think that Obama's campaign is more promising than McCain's. Not only does he have a plan laid out for the improvement of the many issues we have in the US today, but he is more calm and collected about his stand point. Lets face it. Based on McCain's behavior in these past presidential debates, I'm pretty sure no one wants a president that behaves rudely.
Being undecided isn't a bad thing at all. When you choose a candidate, it's important to think of what you want to see change in your country and what you stand for
The economy, right now, seems to be the most important thing, and we've already seen that McCain knows close to nothing about it: he wants to freeze the economy, while giving everyone tax breaks and at the same time 5,000 dollars for health insurance. What he does not realize is that this might cause millions of people to lose their plans with companies-and most health insurance plans can cost up 10 1,000 a month, if there is the slightest thing wrong with you.
Obama has a much better hold on the economy, and while he does have a weakness in foreign policy, his running mate is an expert in it, while McCain's running mate is a half wit who "can see Russia from her house"
The pick of a VP was nothing more than a ploy to try to get women voters-don't be fooled. Be offended. Remember-he doesn't give a crap about women's rights. He actually voted against equal pay for equal women.
Obama's economy ideas:
-create a new "making work pay" tax credit for up to $500 per person or $1000 per working family and would eliminate income taxes for lowest earning americans.
-updating Trade Adjustment Assistance system.
-raise minimum wage and increase earned income tax credit.
-not privatized social security
-simplify irs tax filings
-creating a credit card bill of rights.
McCain's economy ideas:
-end policies that contribute to higher transportation and food costs.
-ability for families to trade mortgages for managable loans.
-repeal the alternative minimum tax (save middle class families money)
-freeze discretionary spending except for military and veterans for one year.
-reduce corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%
Alright thats enough facts. The truth is, no one knows what is going to happen with the economy and we may have rushed into a bailout plan. Neither candidate will say exactly what they will do to fix the current economy because no one knows whats going to happen. The two candidates have fundamental differences but not because they are democrats and republicans but because of their differing ideologies (liberal and conservative). These are the issues most people focus on. The difference between a democrat and republican is more about where government is center rather than actual issues. Democrats believe there should be a stronger federal government and republicans want stronger state governments.
ANYWAY- I'll be voting for Obama, take it or leave it.
See this is funny. I'm actually not going to vote at all Bekah so i'm not really sure what I should tell you. I'm not a big fan of political stuff because I think it's been so corrupted. If i was forced to vote right now I'm still not sure who I'd vote for. I think neither of the candidates have the values that I want as a president. But then again, I haven't really researched anything at all about the election and so all I've heard is what other people have said about Obama and McCane. I was personally all for Romney but he's out now. So Bekah I'd have to say, good luck and I hope you can find out the right choice for your vote.
And I love you since you are my Twin.
I have been an Obama supporter since before the primary. Obama is inspiring, intelligent and he can bring this country together. If you ever get a chance to listen to him speak, you will understand. I mean really listen. He has that ability to bring people together, to inspire. Frankly, when I was supporting him, I thought will people in this country really vote for a black man as our president? Have we made enough progress? Not withstanding the message he has, but you know how many people in this country vote not on issues, but on non issues like race? It really says a lot for this country to be in this place at this time. Not only is he intelligent, hardworking, honest and a man with great ideas, he is a person who has worked very hard to get in this place. Frankly, I don't understand your indecision, but since you are seeking for Obama. We do not need more of the same. And may I "also" say that if McCain is elected and he should die in office...well then you have Palin as your president. That is not a place I want this country to be in...not even a remote, small chance. McCain is dangerous, but she is over the top!
Well I actually did a project on McCain, and there were some interesting and incriminating things I learned. First McCain has a temper problem that he has had since a child. In school he would get into fights all the time. He actually went to Naval Academy, which is good. BUT he also was the one of the very last in class ranking and some say the only reason he even was able to stay was because his father was an admiral. I mean honestly I could go on for awhile about this but my biggest point is that McCain may not be the guy we want to be in big seat with the big red button titled "The Big One" beside him.
Obama on the other hand seems a very level headed and intellectual individual. I have not done much research on his past to be honest, but the way he presents himself it what really sells it for me. I would trust this guy to deal with other countries. I also like how he seems to inspire hope in people. This sort of hope is what can turn a country around.
If you truly are undecided you should try watching one of the presidential debates on youtube. This would really help you get a feel for both of the candidate's personalities.
You are horribly mistaken. Obama is not the only candidate that has a plan to fix things. McCain's plan is better than Obama's based on his prior experience and detailed objectives. And if you are voting based on how rude a candidate is in a debate, than you do not deserve the privilege to vote. I am highly embarrassed for you and your comment. I apologize to everyone who has to read your comment. Thank you
I think what ayemiamia was trying to say is that McCain has an incredible temper problem-this might just lead to some problems, you know, about jumping the gun too quickly on certain issues and things like this. But his temperament is incredibly important in how he will come off as being toward other world leaders and things like that-if he can't even handle being civil in a debate against Obama, how can we expect him to hold relations with other nations?
So I would have to beg to differ when you say that it is that girl who is being ignorant; it is you who needs to think about things a little more thoroughly before you say such volatile things-maybe you should be the one embarrassed for yourself and your utter close mindedness.
And if you truly want to say McCain has a better plan, go talk to any qualified economist-his plan is going to ruin us so quickly, it won't even be funny. Really-a freeze on the economy, but then giving everyone in America 5,000?Sounds like a good plan to me, especially since health care for the average person costs twice that.
I believe that economy has to be viewed as one of the most important issues in the upcoming election based upon the fact that the economy is struggling as badly as it is. I feel like putting up the facts of each economic campaign would be repeating what tanya said. In my opinion each individual has their own ideas about which economic plan works better in America and each candidate holds true to their parties' grand plan in the economy. Personally I respect each candidates economic plans however I prefer McCain as president mainly because of his large advantage in foreign policy which has proven to be a quick stimulus to the economy in the past.
A vote for McCain is a vote for extending the Bush republican policies. The policy of trickle down economics provided for more rich and more poor disparity. When the majority of Americans are earning less, they have less to spend and the economy suffers.
This is where we are today, the average American is suffering while the top 5% are doing better than ever. American can not be strong and safe with a weak economy. It is time for a change to the direction our country is heading. McCain can not change it’s course. We need a new outlook and change to our government. Obama is a once is a lifetime leader and the man who can provide the change we need.
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